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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Needs, Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities of People

Unit 4
Needs, Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities of People

            Basic and Other Needs

                        Food    -     most important basic need
-         makes body strong, healthy and productive
-         comes from plants and animals
-         Examples: fruits, vegetables, cereals, chicken, pork, beef, fish, sea shells, seaweeds, root crops etc.

-         use to protect the body from heat, cold and diseases
-         2 types of clothing are; thick clothes and thin clothes
-         Thick clothes = worn during rainy or cold season
-         Thin clothes   = worn during summer or dry season
-         Native clothes = worn by some ethnic groups as part of tradition
-         Clothes = are made from fibers of plants
-         Rubber = comes from rubber tree use to make shoes and slippers

                        Shelter -     protect the people from rain and heat
-         Dwelling place for people to rest, sleep, eat and socialize.
-         Houses = may be made from nipa or bamboo; some are from stones and bricks, hollow blocks, wood and cement

-         use to maintain and preserve a strong body
-         comes from medicinal herbs/plants
-         Vitamins = keep the body healthy and free from any kind of diseases
-         examples: guava = use for cleaning wounds ;
-         oregano leaves = use for cough and colds

-         assures a bright future for the child and provides hope for the family
-         will brings progress to ones life and to our country
-         Filipinos give great importance to it

-         needed for people to live happily and contentedly
-         Watching television, reading, listening to music etc.
-         Native games = piko, tumbang preso, jumping rope, kite flying
-                                = games that provide simple but great enjoyment

Roles of Different Agencies in Providing for the Needs of the People

                        Role of the Family
-         Parents = work hard for their children
-         Children = turn their help by doing some household chores
-         like taking care younger siblings, washing the dishes, studying hard, eating nutritious food, keeping their bodies clean

                        Role of the School
-         to teach the young to read, write and count
-         aids children to be more helpful, loving, industrious, obedient, prayerful and become good citizens for God and country

                        Role of the Church
-         helps people in their spiritual life
-         teaches them to love God and their neighbors
-         do charitable works

                        Role of the Government
-         Provides free public education, housing for the poor, medicines and health services for those who are in need, especially for victims of calamities.
-         maintains peace and order
-         construct road and bridges for easy movement of people and products
-         provides the young with clean and safe playgrounds
-         protects and develop beauty spots for the people to spend their leisure time and to enjoy life

Practice Your Memory:

A. Fill in the Blank with correct answer.

            a. The basic needs of the people are __________, __________, and __________.
            b. __________ makes us strong, healthy and productive.
            c. The __________ assures children’s future.   
            d. Different ethnic groups wear ______________.
            e. __________ provides great enjoyment for the family.
Recreation             food                       education
Food                      clothing
Native clothes        shelter

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