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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Talents and Skills of Filipino

Capabilities of Filipino Children

            God gave every person special talents and skills. Talents and skills are the things one loves to do, do well and fast without being told by others. These talents and skills should be discovered early, develop and apply as often as possible. The home, school, government and other agencies help develop the talents of our Filipino youth. Children’s have different capabilities and that’s Gods gift. Talents and skills bring children utmost happiness and success at an early age. These talents and skills might be inherited or learned. What is important of having a talent is to practice. Persons who became skillful and expert in their fields of interest underwent rigorous learning and training. Different sports groups, schools and government helps our talented individuals to be fully trained and supported. Few of them are Manny Pacquiao, Efren “bata” Reyes, and so many more. Mostly, students with special talents are given scholarship opportunity. And anyone of us could be given that opportunity if we will show to the public what talents and skills we have. 

Duties and responsibilities of Children

Duties and responsibilities of Children

            The child enjoys their right but they also need to perform their duties to oneself, to others, family, school, church and government. The child has a duty to take care themselves. To follow their parents by taking nutritious food, enough sleep, do activities that would improve themselves etc. It’s also the duty of child to help others. A child should respect other people by being polite to them. Should avoid bad words that could possible hurt other people’s feelings. Usually help other people in times of calamities on their own small way. They are responsible to help in the household chores. Their most important duty is to study well. They should be honest in taking exams and should cooperate with school activities and projects. They should apply the teachings of Jesus in their daily life. Children should respect other people’s religious beliefs. Children’s duty is to cooperate with the government by observing laws and to obey it. And lastly, taking care of the countries natural resources. 

Rights of Children

Rights of Children

In a country like Philippines, the citizens enjoy their democratic rights, most especially by children.

            a. Right to be born
                        - the unborn children should be given opportunity to live by their parents
                        - the child in the mothers womb ha the right to be born

            b. Right to be loved
                        - children have the right to be loved by their parents
                        - Parents love = is shown by caring for their children and by giving them their basic needs.

                        * Remember that children who experience love will grow as loving persons but too much love will poison and kill ones heart.*

            c. Right to be provided with the basic needs
                        - right to be provided with food, clothing and shelter as their basic needs

            d. Right to be educated
                        - right to be given proper education to prepare them for their future lives.

            e. Right to grow strong and healthy
                        - children need rest and creation to keep them healthy and strong
                        - need to play and exercise to keep them active and alert
                        - needs a clean surrounding to avoid getting sick

            f. Right to live peacefully and be protected from danger
                        - right to have a place with peace and order
                        - home, school and government should cooperate to protect them

            g. Freedom of speech
                        - freedom to express their ideas
                        - free to agree and disagree or argue with the grownups but with respect

            h. Freedom to develop their skills and talents
                        - is done by studying and joining from different activities and contest to help their interest grow
                        * Special talents of children may include; writing, acting, singing, dancing, playing, drawing, carving, painting, etc.

                        -need to be given opportunity to practice their skills and show their talents

            i. Freedom of Religion
                        - Freedom to choose their religion that may develop their personality and character especially when they can already decide for themselves.

Importance of Rights and Privileges

Children who are given the chance to exercise their rights and privileges will grow as a complete individual with a happy and peaceful life. These will make children decide what’s best for them. These rights and privileges will make children a good and loving citizen of the country and follower of God. Every right has a corresponding duty.

Adapted from Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

            A. Lets answer:

                        1. Why should children be given an opportunity to live?

                        2. How will you develop your talents and skills?

                        3. Why is it important to care for ourselves? 

Needs, Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities of People

Unit 4
Needs, Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities of People

            Basic and Other Needs

                        Food    -     most important basic need
-         makes body strong, healthy and productive
-         comes from plants and animals
-         Examples: fruits, vegetables, cereals, chicken, pork, beef, fish, sea shells, seaweeds, root crops etc.

-         use to protect the body from heat, cold and diseases
-         2 types of clothing are; thick clothes and thin clothes
-         Thick clothes = worn during rainy or cold season
-         Thin clothes   = worn during summer or dry season
-         Native clothes = worn by some ethnic groups as part of tradition
-         Clothes = are made from fibers of plants
-         Rubber = comes from rubber tree use to make shoes and slippers

                        Shelter -     protect the people from rain and heat
-         Dwelling place for people to rest, sleep, eat and socialize.
-         Houses = may be made from nipa or bamboo; some are from stones and bricks, hollow blocks, wood and cement

-         use to maintain and preserve a strong body
-         comes from medicinal herbs/plants
-         Vitamins = keep the body healthy and free from any kind of diseases
-         examples: guava = use for cleaning wounds ;
-         oregano leaves = use for cough and colds

-         assures a bright future for the child and provides hope for the family
-         will brings progress to ones life and to our country
-         Filipinos give great importance to it

-         needed for people to live happily and contentedly
-         Watching television, reading, listening to music etc.
-         Native games = piko, tumbang preso, jumping rope, kite flying
-                                = games that provide simple but great enjoyment

Roles of Different Agencies in Providing for the Needs of the People

                        Role of the Family
-         Parents = work hard for their children
-         Children = turn their help by doing some household chores
-         like taking care younger siblings, washing the dishes, studying hard, eating nutritious food, keeping their bodies clean

                        Role of the School
-         to teach the young to read, write and count
-         aids children to be more helpful, loving, industrious, obedient, prayerful and become good citizens for God and country

                        Role of the Church
-         helps people in their spiritual life
-         teaches them to love God and their neighbors
-         do charitable works

                        Role of the Government
-         Provides free public education, housing for the poor, medicines and health services for those who are in need, especially for victims of calamities.
-         maintains peace and order
-         construct road and bridges for easy movement of people and products
-         provides the young with clean and safe playgrounds
-         protects and develop beauty spots for the people to spend their leisure time and to enjoy life

Practice Your Memory:

A. Fill in the Blank with correct answer.

            a. The basic needs of the people are __________, __________, and __________.
            b. __________ makes us strong, healthy and productive.
            c. The __________ assures children’s future.   
            d. Different ethnic groups wear ______________.
            e. __________ provides great enjoyment for the family.
Recreation             food                       education
Food                      clothing
Native clothes        shelter